January 10, 2006

What’s currently getting me through the day…

The “video-diary” NiQuitin ad on the telly, in particular the disclaimer on the bottom of the screen: “This is Maggie’s real life experience. Yours may differ.” Just in case anyone was watching, and suddenly it dawns on them, “Hang on – that’s not MY life!”

The fact that I’ve had a new fridge/freezer delivered this morning, which means that tomorrow, I get to finally found out what’s in the bottom of the chest freezer.

The fact that there’s a Swiss David Hasselhoff look-alike in the office tomorrow, which will give Surly and I something to giggle over.

The fact that Google are directing a lot of people my way who are searching for sites containing Ben Ando. I’m hoping that if I mention him often enough, my blog will eventually be listed above the BBC’s. I like a challenge.


At 4:36 pm, Blogger Whinger said...

Mmmmmm....new appliances.

Go for it on Google. Ben Ando couldn't hope for a better landing spot.

Ben Ando.

Ben Ando. :)

At 5:24 pm, Blogger Wyndham said...

A Hoff lookalike? Has he got the barnet and the leathers* and everything?

* Everything after Knight Rider was just like a bad dream where The Hoff is concerned.

At 6:47 pm, Blogger Kyahgirl said...

ahem, not to be troublesome or anything, but wasn't there supposed to be a weekly posting of the 'weight'? How am I supposed to compare the real Weight Watchers with 'kellycat's much cheaper weight watchers'?
come on, give me some data!

At 7:37 pm, Blogger Kellycat said...

Weight update post tomorrow. Sorry, got it in my head that it was a Wednesday thing, but it's a Tuesday thing isn't it? Oops.

At 8:22 pm, Blogger Kyahgirl said...

No worries-I take my job as 'your conscience' very seriously :-)

How are you making out with getting the extra exercise in? I find it hard. It looks like it will have to be at 5 a.m. if it is to be at all. Yuck.

At 10:38 am, Blogger surly girl said...

ah, the Swisshoff. don't get too excited tho kc - he's not here til next week, when we will mostly be swooning over his lavish hair and ice-cool demeanour.

except apparently in the interim he's grown his hair (i know - is there room in the world?) and a great big grizzly adams beard.

hilarity ensues.

At 11:03 am, Blogger Kellycat said...

Just to clarify, that's "Swiss Hoff", in the same sense as "Malibu Barbie". The Hoff comes in many different guises and outfits.

At 8:40 pm, Blogger Urban Chick said...

sorry? did someone just say BEN ANDO??


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