What’s currently getting me through the day…
The “video-diary” NiQuitin ad on the telly, in particular the disclaimer on the bottom of the screen: “This is Maggie’s real life experience. Yours may differ.” Just in case anyone was watching, and suddenly it dawns on them, “Hang on – that’s not MY life!”
The fact that I’ve had a new fridge/freezer delivered this morning, which means that tomorrow, I get to finally found out what’s in the bottom of the chest freezer.
The fact that there’s a Swiss David Hasselhoff look-alike in the office tomorrow, which will give Surly and I something to giggle over.
The fact that Google are directing a lot of people my way who are searching for sites containing Ben Ando. I’m hoping that if I mention him often enough, my blog will eventually be listed above the BBC’s. I like a challenge.
Mmmmmm....new appliances.
Go for it on Google. Ben Ando couldn't hope for a better landing spot.
Ben Ando.
Ben Ando. :)
A Hoff lookalike? Has he got the barnet and the leathers* and everything?
* Everything after Knight Rider was just like a bad dream where The Hoff is concerned.
ahem, not to be troublesome or anything, but wasn't there supposed to be a weekly posting of the 'weight'? How am I supposed to compare the real Weight Watchers with 'kellycat's much cheaper weight watchers'?
come on, give me some data!
Weight update post tomorrow. Sorry, got it in my head that it was a Wednesday thing, but it's a Tuesday thing isn't it? Oops.
No worries-I take my job as 'your conscience' very seriously :-)
How are you making out with getting the extra exercise in? I find it hard. It looks like it will have to be at 5 a.m. if it is to be at all. Yuck.
ah, the Swisshoff. don't get too excited tho kc - he's not here til next week, when we will mostly be swooning over his lavish hair and ice-cool demeanour.
except apparently in the interim he's grown his hair (i know - is there room in the world?) and a great big grizzly adams beard.
hilarity ensues.
Just to clarify, that's "Swiss Hoff", in the same sense as "Malibu Barbie". The Hoff comes in many different guises and outfits.
sorry? did someone just say BEN ANDO??
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