That's not the website you're looking for...*
It appears to be de rigeur at the moment to list the dubious ways in which people have found your blog. Never one to be accused of being innovative, I though I might as well join in.
In addition to those people searching for handbags, puppies and Ben Ando I have also been found by people typing the following into search engines...
paul mercurio bum
duck take sellotape (sic)
were can i find the pussycat dolls handbags (sic)
orthodox + 34DD
tourettes and hormones
ebay charms by michaela (????)
very strong cider
cillitt bang love
science reflective cinderella's dress
fiona phillips tights
Welcome one and all, you freaks. Interestingly, my sitemeter also informs me that I have a regular lurker from Arhus, Silkeborg, Denmark. As you've been lurking for a while now, would you care to de-lurk and leave a comment to identify yourself? Cheers.
*Spoken in the style of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Obviously.
Someone found my old blog with the keywords "how do I fuck girls."
Bless his little heart.
Hi there Kellycat... *waves* I'm over here!
Hello Cyberpete - didn't know you were the viking!
Are you:
a) proper Danish
b) British but living in Denmark
c) using a Danish ISP so "they" can't find you?
Any tips on where we can get this very strong cider? or the 34DDs?
I'd have to say 'a'. I'm very Danish, and these days quite proud of it but it's usually not something boast about. *puts on viking helmet and hands out viking beer*
Frangelita - Somerset and increased amounts of hormones
Cyberpete - Go ahead and celebrate the viking in you, but please be advised that this is a rape and pillage free blog.
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