November 04, 2006

People Who Make My Teeth Itch: Part 3

Cliff Richard and Daniel O'Donnell are recording a duet together.

Can you hear that noise? It's still quite faint but it's getting louder...

That is the sound of HRT patches being slapped on and pop-socked feet being slipped into gold Sunday supplement sandals in excited anticipation of its release.

Christmas will never be the same again.



At 8:20 pm, Blogger Betty said...

Oh God, is it compulsory to like Daniel O'Donnell and Sir Cliff once you become menopausal?

I think I'll be able to cope with the night sweats, the mood swings, the "is it hot in here, or is it just me?" and even the "intimate" dryness ...

... but please, NOOOO - not Daniel and Sir Cliff ...

At 9:36 pm, Blogger frangelita said...

I think I'm going to throw up.

At 1:30 am, Blogger mad muthas said...

eeeuw - made my teeth itch just reading about it. and now they won't stop - yuk!

At 5:29 pm, Blogger Kyahgirl said...

you always make me laugh kelly cat :-)

At 10:16 pm, Blogger surly girl said...

come ON then!! post something!


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