January 29, 2007

Just a reminder of why this blog is called Hormones and Handbags...

LC - don't read any further. This post is about "women's problems" and I don't want to upset you.

I was going to leave a comment on Spinsterella's post but it was turning into a bit of an epic, so I though I might as well post it, as it's been a while since I've ranted on about my hormones.

I suffer from very, very bad period pain to the point of either passing out or being sick as Spinsterella described. I was prescribed co-codamol and ibuprofen to help, which although they left me feeling a bit spaced out, did take the edge off the pain until I had a really bad reaction to the codeine and had to be signed off work for a week. Which left me with just the ibuprofen.

When these failed to do the job, I was referred to a consultant to rule out anything sinister. Various tests and scans showed that there was nothing wrong with me (I was described as "structurally sound", which would be fabulous if somebody was trying to take out a mortgage on me) and advised that a Mirena coil might help. I was told that I probably wouldn't have any side-effects as the level of hormones in the coil was very low. This seemed great, as various other hormonal treatments, such as the pill, are not an option for me as they trigger my migraines.

For the first seven or eight months everything was lovely. Then I started to get the period pain coming back again. Then my boobs decided that they would alternate between cup sizes, and be incredibly tender and painful when on the increase, so that I ended up having to sleep in a top with built-in support. Then the pain decided not to go. At all. So I now have period pain constantly.

My GP has very kindly agreed that I can take up to 2400mg of ibuprofen a day, but as I don't want to become a candidate for kidney cancer, I'm not exactly overjoyed.

I have now been passed back to the consultant, as my GP doesn't know what else to do with me, and I suspect is sick of the sight of me. Despite being between a rock and a hard place with regards to getting rid of the coil, I think I'm going to have to, while demanding something else to cope with the pain. I've tried a TENS machine, but I had to have it on such a high level that the pulsing and vibrating just made me feel sick.

In the meantime, despite living on water, air and spinach, I can't lose any weight because I'm in too much discomfort to exercise. I'm also sick of having to cancel things because I'm in too much pain to leave the house.

Anyway, my intention was not to try to compete with Spin but to empaphise. Sorry for the whining.

Although you'd have a bloody griz on if you felt like this...


At 7:25 pm, Blogger LC said...

Oh dear lord, this isn't going to turn into some sort of menstrual-meme is it?

Why can't you girls just write about something nice, like bras?

At 7:31 pm, Blogger Kellycat said...

LC - see my archive. There's norks-a-plenty in my previosu posts.

At least I gave you fair warning.

At 8:13 pm, Blogger FirstNations said...

they ought to do a laproscopy/laprotomy. you could have adhesions, which wouldn't necessarily show up on ultrasound or xray but WOULD definately cause this kind of pain. this sounds suspiciously familiar to something that happened to me back in the early 80's. they went in and i was all stuck together like clothes get when someone leaves a wad of bubblegum in the dryer. just a couple of snippy snips and yay! not even a scar.
feel better, kellyqat

At 8:16 pm, Blogger FirstNations said...

..no no no. not my yahudi, my insides of my guts type insides. my intestines and other giblets were all webbed together with strands of vagrant scar tissue.
i hope this clears up any questions.
thank you.

At 7:58 am, Blogger Spinsterella said...


I don't like the idea of having a coil at all. Or of taking ibuprofen every day. What can you do?

At 4:23 pm, Blogger Johanna said...

That sounds horriffic, you have my full sympathy, not that that's oging to help much.

LC - we did the bras ages ago.

At 5:55 pm, Blogger Kellycat said...

Spin - have the bloody thing taken out and demand something better.

At 6:11 pm, Blogger GreatSheElephant said...

I don't recommend Mirena - causes depression in some.

At 10:53 am, Blogger Betty said...

Thing is, it's only when women actually talk about this that you realise how many of them have to put up with really horrendous problems. It seems that these days it's okay to discuss PMS openly, but the physical symptoms of periods are still a bit of a taboo, and not to be mentioned in polite conversation. A shame, because other women's experiences and advice can be helpful (although I'm aware that what works for someone might not for someone else). At any rate, perhaps it's time that something that causes problems in so many women's lives was taken a bit more seriously and was out in the open.

At 7:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

go and see a homeopath!

At 6:09 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have good collection of handbags which I have purchased through CouponAlbum site...and I saved good amount of money...


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